Sunday, January 24, 2010

Just Winging It

I do have some time on my hands these days. My mind works in real time and my body remains in slow time. I am thinking of a magazine that I should create. "Slothful Living; the art of reclining".

I do not have enough work right now to stay afloat, which is a concern. The Tinker's Daughter Landscaping must pay the bills and fund The Tinker's Daughter Design. With each jewelry project comes the need for even more supplies. And then, more ideas find their way into my head; each extending their little PayPal hands.

So, I am spending a lot of time on the computer.
Yesterday, for instance, I sat at the computer; innocently enough, looking at French Decorative Papers at 10:00 A.M.  The purpose (yes, there was one) was to gain inspiration to create a new banner for my Etsy site. I wanted a new one, lost the old one and still cannot figure out how to get anything on as a banner. I won't again go on about my jewelry photos which remain unrecognizable; still. By 4:00, I had segued into Paste Paper making and Marbelizing Paper and finally, Bookbinding and handmade Paper Boxes (to put my jewelry in when it ha ha sells).

In order to complete my garden maintenance duties, I need a van that I can safely drive to Santa Cruz and Watsonville nurseries. Today, that means 4 new tires, which I decided I would get, with 4 dogs in tow, at Costco this next week on sale. I have been driving on all bald tires and needed to replace them before rains began. Speaking of maintenance duties; I also am required to have a functioning lawnmower for 10 lawns per week that need mowing. I was just informed that mine died a slow death last Friday afternoon; mid-lawn. I need a new one (1200.00?*z@!!) by tomorrow.
My solution today is that I have never heard of these problems. Instead, I ordered 65.00 worth of books on yes; Paste Paper Making, Marbelized Paper and Bookbinding, from Amazon. Doesn't that sound like more fun?
I am either in denial or Just Winging It.

I'll think about the lawnmower tomorrow (I can say that because I am from the South). Perhaps I should avoid the computer today. I need to rope myself in to create tiny collages to use in hearts for Valentine jewelry. And, as woe is me. I must spend precious time billing my clients so that I can pay my bills, buy a lawnmower tomorrow, buy tires another week and support the arts right now.

That is either living by faith, going out on a limb or Just Winging It.

1 comment:

  1. Dear C,

    When it rains it pours those damn proverbial torrents!

    I'm with you on the 'winging it' part!

    I haven't looked at your Etsy since you've been bannerless. My friend from the Netherlands made me 10 to choose from. All I had to do was send her some images of mine and off she went! My brain doesn't work that way.

    For now, why don't you just choose one of Etsy's free banners and fill in your shop name. I believe you'll find it under 'resources' on the left.

    I've briefly rejoined facebook (which I hate with a passion) because I'm trying to find someone very important for someone very important. just takes you to sites that want your money for the search.

    I'm still incapacitated by sciatica. I get seen Wed. Hopefully that will head me to the right person to diagnose a possible disc problem. Who knows.

    Anyway, the photos of your jewelry look fantastic! How about showing how they'll actually drape on a person? Just a thought, and yes, more photos.

    I'll be mailing your generous card order tomorrow, thank you. My back has kept me out of the car for timely deliveries. I'll toss in some extras ;)

    Love you and miss you!
